Call dibs and claim back your life!!
Calling Dibs

About Our Show and Community

Childhood abuse and trauma are no joke. And, the tendrils that then extend from those formative years into your adulthood create false narratives and limiting beliefs about yourself, block your potential, can lead you to more abuse, and everything else that’s not meant to define you. Join Debbie Dibs as she opens the door for you to be a fly on the wall through her own therapy and journey towards discovering herself, healing, and going from surviving to thriving. Listen in to relate, to know that you’re not alone, and to hear lessons and ah-ha moments that may help you in your own journey. So, join me. Listen, relate, and heal, too. Call dibs and claim back your life!!

Join me on my therapeutic journey of self-discovery, and discover yourself along the way... ~Debbie Dibs

Host: Debbie Dibs of the Calling Dibs Podcast

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Looking for therapy? BetterHelp is the solution that is working for me...


DISCLAIMER: The Calling Dibs Podcast and all related content is not to be perceived as or relied upon in any way as medical advice or mental health advice or services. By listening to the show and/or participating in/reading our community, social media, blog and any/all other creative content, you acknowledge that Debbie Dibs, her producers, and anyone else involved in the production of this podcast are not licensed psychologists or health care professionals and that our content does not replace the care of psychologists or other healthcare professionals.

Copyright of Calling Dibs Podcast 2023.

About the Host

Debbie Dibs Profile Photo

Debbie Dibs


Host, Calling Dibs Podcast
(NOT a licensed psychologists or health care professional; just a woman welcoming you to join in on her journey, in the hopes that you are inspired to go on yours.)